This is a customizable digital baby annoucement which can be shared with friends and family over WhatsApp, E-mail or any other digital medium. You can also share it on social media such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc.
Blue & Yellow Baby Boy - Birth Announcement
To customise this invite, please follow the steps below :
Step 1: Add to cart
Step 2: Write the replacement text you need on the invite in the "Add a note" section of your cart. Please provide only text edits, no design changes can be made. Please be careful with spellings, grammar, day/date etc. Refer to the sample image for replacement text.
Step 3: Checkout and complete payment
Step 4: Receive your customised invite on your registered email ID within 3-4 business days. You will receive a JPEG file. No printable or open files are shared. If you require printable invites, please get in touch on